Erzsebet Bobe Karacsony from Slovakia

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This time we will show you the tattoo and the girl - Erzsebet Bobe Karacsony from Slovakia. Erzsebet lives in Vydrany on Slovakia, a small village  and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. Its former Slovakian name was Hodoš. Currently lives there about 1,500 people including our lovely Erzsebet (:

Erzsebet Bobe Karacsony from Slovakia
Erzsebet Bobe Karacsony from Slovakia

Manchester United Girls Slovakia
Manchester United Girls in Slovakia

Erzsebet with Manchester United kit (2012/2013)
Erzsebet with Manchester United kit (2012/2013)

Erzsebet with Manchester United ball
Erzsebet with Manchester United ball

Erzsebet - Manchester United Girl
A Slovak beauty

Say hello to Erzsebet
Say hello to Erzsebet

Manchester United Girls Vydrany
We are happy that we fans from Slovakia

Glory Glory Manchester United
Glory Glory Manchester United

Erzsebet Bobe Karacsony from Slovakia
Erzsebet is very beautiful

Manchester United tattoo
What a tattoo!

Manchester United tattoo
Manchester United Tattoo

Manchester United Slovakia
Manchester United Slovakia

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